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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"

Nothing too great

It was intertainning and I had fun watching it. I liked the way the Scree guy and Steven Hawkings are all knowing and no normal Joe has a chance.

The major set back has to be, its not that interactive and not all that laugh out loud. If there were more options at the end instead of just two, it would have been alot better.



I expected no less, from deep fried comics.

Another brilliant flash.

DeathRayGraphics responds:

Thanks Benny! Now buy my comic at htp://www.whatisdeepfried/product.html ! That goes for all of you!




The PAHANTAZM BALL KILLED HER! I thought i was the only one who saw those movies jesus. Thanx man for reminding me. Thos balls are wicked!

Great job!


You had to make the a Cyrebrial bore from Pantasm kill a little old lady then have the freaky little midgets drag her dead bleeding body away... oh wait... thats right i was the one who decided to kill her... Muwahaha! Excellent flash man!! you threw in that all your base thing... very very well done!