heheh awwwww
Heh it was good!But i felt sorry for nana so i had to save her!Green blob thingie shoulda died,hes was just plain ugly!Heh good stuff!
heheh awwwww
Heh it was good!But i felt sorry for nana so i had to save her!Green blob thingie shoulda died,hes was just plain ugly!Heh good stuff!
That was great I loved the save nana ending that came from left field. ROFLMAO!! well done.
Fun, fun!
whoa that was kool
That Supremor was something i saw in a nightmare when i was 6 :'( im scared.
But anyways
It's no nanas were hurt, they were allowed to hurt one ;D
loved ittt!!!!!!!!!!!!
it was great!!i loved when the nana said fuck u!!!lol!!and when she said where am i??i felt sry for her..so i picked save her.^_^