That was awesome, just goes to show that flash can do anything! Although it isn't all that nice too see an old lady get a lobotomy, 10 out of 10.
That was awesome, just goes to show that flash can do anything! Although it isn't all that nice too see an old lady get a lobotomy, 10 out of 10.
That was stupendous. I loved the Dune thing. And when stephan hawking swears at the supremor dude. The other ending was awesome too. Well best thing ive seen all day! Well Im done
thats was great
I really liked that...just you should have put a link back to the kill granny part cause i didnt feel like sitting through the whole thing again.
keep em coming ;-)
Awesome movie
One of the few funny flash movies I've seen that make me laugh out loud. Voices were great! (especially Stephens) I hope to see more in the future.
Nice one, especially for that retarded Nana thing. MAKE MORE OF THESE! It's good to see a Jeopardy game go bad.