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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"


This movie was slow, dull, and lame. That's all there is to it. Nothing original, even. Please, for our sake, try harder next time. Oh, and have a nice day. :)

yo that is funny as shit!

really nice idea man. i like the flash. i like the "you have no chance to survive make your time." the only thing that could have been better is that it was a little hard to understand "supremor." but it kicked ass! make another.


this woz a great movie, and a original piece if only real game shows were this good.....

prhaps u could do another episode where u decide the fates of other victims, like ceasers thumbs up or thumbs down may b suthin 2 think about

Kool movie

good, but...

how come the Supreme Intelligence of The Kree Empire isn't killed when he got the question wrong?

There should be a real show like this!

LMAO. Why can't the smartest man in the world invent a cure for his disease? Damn funny Flash, and where'd you get those questions? Made them up?