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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"


Wow! this is awsome! It was long but worth it, it was funny, good graphics and the granny made me laugh! And when u have to pick at the end to Save Granny or kill her...i choose "Save her" cuz i felt sorry for poor little Granny!
-Good job! make more!

Good, but...

Why didn't the Supreme Intelligence die if he got that question wrong?

a comic reference. rockin

impressive. not much to criticize at all.

Dude, I love it!

I agree with "dissolve". You deffinately need to make more! It was so funny. One thing i didn't like though was the length of the film.


That was great! Brilliant, MORE MORE MORE.. I WANT MORE! Ignore the last reviewer, he obviously only has glass eyes in his rubber head.

When will you make more? Love it..make 'em longer if possible.. FANTASTIC!