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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"


not quite as good as shock and awe, but really funny nice work

I pooped my pants.

That was great, I saw the last review and I'm going to go check out your site. Very interesting.


that is some dope shit, i wish the nana died more violently though, am i alone here? i checked out some of the other flash cartoons on your site, you really should submit some of those, i guarentee you would be getting scores of 4.00 or higher easily. the only ones i thought sucked were the drivin one(really really boreing) and the 4:20 one(sorry, i like weed, but that was just boreing.....) the other 4 were fuckin halarious though and i deffinately think you should submit them to newgrounds. the burger crown one was so funny, i laughed so hard i almost crapped my pants when that kid swallowed the toy. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!

Really funny..

I love the rendition of stephen hawking and the cloud of mindsucking intellect was funny too...tho grandma was wierd.....wierd x10. I love the addition to the All Your Base with stephen hawking...kept me laughing. Keep up the good work, this one definatly deserves the spot its at.

Hawkings stole the show.

All my 5's are belong to him.