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Reviews for "The Most Dangerous Game"

That green guy didn't die!

Hey that green asshole got the question wrong too! you should of killed him i was waiting for him to die. If stephen hawking calls you a fucking llama then you should die! I didn't laught at this flash for a sec but i still think you are very good, next time kill that supreme green SOB.




This was a well made movie. I love the Phantasm movies and those wierd flying metal balls. Great job.

Stephen Hawking is God!

I still think Steven Hawking should have won...

BTW, the weapon that killed Nana, as well as the little midget monk things, are (of course!) taken from the Phantasm movie series, NOT TUROK. Repeat, Phantasm, NOT TUROK. The game designers working on Turok must've stolen it. Goddammit, haven't any of you seen Phatasm? If not, go check it out!

Technically primitive, but oh-so-fucking-hilarious

I've seen slicker graphics, but the wicked sense of humor was a delight. And of course you can never have too many Frank Herbert references. Eat your heart out, David Lynch!