At 2/13/06 08:50 PM, tedJohnston wrote:
you know what, all these different BBS suggestions have been made, but I doubt anyone has mentioned what I'm about to say (sorry if it has been . . . it isn't exactly easy to wade through 27 pages of posts, heh).
These comments have been made before (in the original evolution thread and probably in this one).
the forum coding should be changed to phpBB, or something similar of the sort. almost ALL forums these days are using phpBB or something similar,
Most forums use phpBB/other forum software to/because:
a) save themselves time (they're easy to deploy and come feature rich/feature specific (what you want is what the forum gets, depending on options you set)).
b) the sites that use them don't already have a huge community - the community is based around the forums, rather than around other sections of the site (in NG's case, the forums were coded on the basis of the existing community (I can't take credit for that, Ross coded all of the original stuff, although it's been re-written a number of times)).
and it is by far the most efficient and effective forum system around.
I will ignore that comment, since the "most efficient and effective forum" is one that integrates neatly and performs best throughout the site on which it's deployed.
phpBB contains almost all the features that have been suggested (editing posts, private messaging, etc.)
At this point, it's clear to me that you have not read the many hundreds of suggestions (some of which are in this thread, some in the older evolution thread, and many, many others that have been dismissed throughout the history of the BBS).
it just seems that the NG BBS is in a completely solid-state, with upgrades and revamps being very tedious and difficult to implement.
They're not particularly tedious to implement and could be done if the proverbial "we" were intent in doing them. They're just not needed and/or would be abused. Don't get me wrong, I frequent some forums that are running all of these "features", yet they're in an environment where everyone respects and treats those features with the correct discretion that they require. Now and again, I'll drop in a smilie on those forums or edit posts, but if smilies were introduced into the NG BBS, then users would just fill up pages with those images. And in turn, there would have to be smilie counts, etc, that would prevent users from flooding that crap and, in turn, would lead to longer waits when posting stuff for EVERYONE.
I know NG BBS is already running on a php forum system
Yeah, custom coded.
I was hoping that I wouldn't have to bridge this argument, but bleh. Here goes.
First of all, phpbb tags? They're not tags. They're not exclusive to phpbb, either (vbulletin was using them a long time before phpbb was). They're a substitute for the real thing (i.e. HTML tags). That's not a dig at either forum software, but my best guess it that both sites were developed and established without someone who knew what they were doing with regular expressions (which are used to convert certain patterns of text into other patterns of text).
Using [u]underline[/u] over <u>underline</u> is redundant, in my opinion - sure, they're "easier" to use for people who're accustomed to using the forums that use this sort of "tag", but for those who know HTML already it makes sense to use the ACTUAL tags, rather than some made up markup that will be later converted to the relevant HTML equivelant.
Not only that, I have seen a number of posts in varying sections of the site that have been along the lines, "I've tried using the following HTML in my web page: [u]underlined text[/u] and it doesn't make underlined text!!!!" That's because it's not HTML!
At 2/15/06 10:06 AM, tedJohnston wrote:
How would we lose ANYTHING?
The database structure for phpbb and other forum software is totally different to that which the majority of the site already runs on. Importing data into the schema that phpbb uses would be relatively simple, but totally asinine given what I've said above and would also require a shut down of the bbs altogether if those changes were ever made. And the day that happens will be the day that I shoot myself in the balls, clime into a pre-made coffin (after organising a suitable funeral) and then shooting myself in the head.