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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-14 20:11:46

Because we dont need every single feature they have. I wouldnt be here that much if newgrounds switched to phpBB. I know they never will though. I dont like it at all even for my own forum while I am learning to code my own.

Any features that are unneeded can easily be turned off or even fully removed. All I am really suggesting is using the raw code from phpBB for all the necessary features we want to implement, and then trashing everything else and coding it from there.

I like the fact that it is completely custom coded and 100% done by newgrounds not some rip-off phpBB forum with some "Mods" on it.

Well, I'm suggesting a little more than just a few simple "mods". But I guess "recoding the whole damn thing" didn't come across as that.

Google > phpBB

Google > Everything. Lol, ; ) .

Really guys, if phpBB was so shitty, why is EVERYONE using it? Even all those "professional looking" forums you see out there are probably just some form of phpBB that's been recoded. After all, it's not really that hard to delete the little, "This forum was provided by phpBB!" thing at the bottom. Just 'cause it isn't marked phpBB and just 'cause it looks really cool, doesn't mean it isn't phpBB.

Whatever people, I didn't want to start a huge ass argument over it. Just adding to the list of suggestions. It's one suggestion that could handle just about all the other suggestions: Using phpBB as a framework by which the NG BBS can be recoded. It will add all the features we want, and it's flexible enough for all the custom coding that needs to be done.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-14 20:25:39

At 2/14/06 07:38 PM, tedJohnston wrote:
Fuck no. phpBB is SHIT.
Almost all the BBS suggestions made here are already part of phpBB. If phpBB was shit, then why would everyone want all its features?

They might be talking about the features of better forums like V bulletin.

This forum is custom made, liljim would never take a shitty free internet forum and use it in place.
phpBB is OPEN SOURCE, meaning that liljim could easily meld all its features with his own custom coding. Hell, he can take ALL the coding from this forum setup, and simply dump it into phpBB, and then tweak around a bit (of course, it's not THAT easy). Maybe if you read past my third sentence, you would've gotten all that.

He's not gonna dump this work of his just to do it the easy and cheap way.
it would take away any professionalism from the forum.

And get something else into your head: free does not equal shitty. Google is completely free, non invasive, and lives only off of text ads. Everyone laughed at them in the beginning, but look where they are now. Face it, free + open source is the new "kickass" on the Internet.

No, the case with Free forums is that usual they are complete shit compared to anything made like this.

The BBS is intergrated with the rest of the site, phpBB likely could not do that.

And I know that free can be good, NG is free dammit!
It's just free forums usually are shit.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-14 20:38:57

Take your phpBB arguement to the Evolution Discussion thread.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-14 22:15:59

phpBB will never happen for these boards. Liljim can code all of the new features we need. It is simply not feasible for us to convert to phpBB in ANY way. We'd lose 6 years of BBS history, the custom built moderation system that is better than anything phpBB has to offer, a boatload of special features, and everything else that makes the Newgrounds BBS the Newground BBS, and not some half-assed other forum.

It's never going to happen. Ever.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-15 01:47:56

In response to the new header, there should be a thing that randomly changes the motto ever time you go to a new page/refresh, like the thing in the Graveyard.


BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-15 10:06:16

At 2/14/06 10:15 PM, Evark wrote: We'd lose 6 years of BBS history, the custom built moderation system that is better than anything phpBB has to offer, a boatload of special features, and everything else that makes the Newgrounds BBS the Newground BBS, and not some half-assed other forum.

How would we lose ANYTHING? Apparently no one actually read what I wrote passed the first paragraph. Geez people, and I thought NG members of your level and rank would be much better than this . . . but you're just like all the Level 4 jerks in the Audio forum *wink, wink* :D .

Whatever, I give up . . . good luck with the "changes". I'm relatively new to Newgrounds, but whenever I've ever seen people trying to change anything around here, it never happened unless the Fulps themselves instigated it. In other words, this 30-odd page thread is a waste of time.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-15 21:07:36

At 2/13/06 08:50 PM, tedJohnston wrote: you know what, all these different BBS suggestions have been made, but I doubt anyone has mentioned what I'm about to say (sorry if it has been . . . it isn't exactly easy to wade through 27 pages of posts, heh).

These comments have been made before (in the original evolution thread and probably in this one).

the forum coding should be changed to phpBB, or something similar of the sort. almost ALL forums these days are using phpBB or something similar,

Most forums use phpBB/other forum software to/because:

a) save themselves time (they're easy to deploy and come feature rich/feature specific (what you want is what the forum gets, depending on options you set)).
b) the sites that use them don't already have a huge community - the community is based around the forums, rather than around other sections of the site (in NG's case, the forums were coded on the basis of the existing community (I can't take credit for that, Ross coded all of the original stuff, although it's been re-written a number of times)).

and it is by far the most efficient and effective forum system around.

I will ignore that comment, since the "most efficient and effective forum" is one that integrates neatly and performs best throughout the site on which it's deployed.

phpBB contains almost all the features that have been suggested (editing posts, private messaging, etc.)

At this point, it's clear to me that you have not read the many hundreds of suggestions (some of which are in this thread, some in the older evolution thread, and many, many others that have been dismissed throughout the history of the BBS).

it just seems that the NG BBS is in a completely solid-state, with upgrades and revamps being very tedious and difficult to implement.

They're not particularly tedious to implement and could be done if the proverbial "we" were intent in doing them. They're just not needed and/or would be abused. Don't get me wrong, I frequent some forums that are running all of these "features", yet they're in an environment where everyone respects and treats those features with the correct discretion that they require. Now and again, I'll drop in a smilie on those forums or edit posts, but if smilies were introduced into the NG BBS, then users would just fill up pages with those images. And in turn, there would have to be smilie counts, etc, that would prevent users from flooding that crap and, in turn, would lead to longer waits when posting stuff for EVERYONE.

I know NG BBS is already running on a php forum system

Yeah, custom coded.

I was hoping that I wouldn't have to bridge this argument, but bleh. Here goes.

First of all, phpbb tags? They're not tags. They're not exclusive to phpbb, either (vbulletin was using them a long time before phpbb was). They're a substitute for the real thing (i.e. HTML tags). That's not a dig at either forum software, but my best guess it that both sites were developed and established without someone who knew what they were doing with regular expressions (which are used to convert certain patterns of text into other patterns of text).

Using [u]underline[/u] over <u>underline</u> is redundant, in my opinion - sure, they're "easier" to use for people who're accustomed to using the forums that use this sort of "tag", but for those who know HTML already it makes sense to use the ACTUAL tags, rather than some made up markup that will be later converted to the relevant HTML equivelant.

Not only that, I have seen a number of posts in varying sections of the site that have been along the lines, "I've tried using the following HTML in my web page: [u]underlined text[/u] and it doesn't make underlined text!!!!" That's because it's not HTML!

At 2/15/06 10:06 AM, tedJohnston wrote: How would we lose ANYTHING?

The database structure for phpbb and other forum software is totally different to that which the majority of the site already runs on. Importing data into the schema that phpbb uses would be relatively simple, but totally asinine given what I've said above and would also require a shut down of the bbs altogether if those changes were ever made. And the day that happens will be the day that I shoot myself in the balls, clime into a pre-made coffin (after organising a suitable funeral) and then shooting myself in the head.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-15 21:08:16

At 2/15/06 06:46 PM, gumOnShoe wrote:
I now have to log in everytime I come to newgrounds with this new format, I'd like a return of the "remember my infor" button.

Yeah, don't worry about that - I know about it and will have a fix sometime soon.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-15 22:16:38

At 2/15/06 09:07 PM, liljim wrote:
At 2/13/06 08:50 PM, tedJohnston wrote: phpBB contains almost all the features that have been suggested (editing posts, private messaging, etc.)
At this point, it's clear to me that you have not read the many hundreds of suggestions (some of which are in this thread, some in the older evolution thread, and many, many others that have been dismissed throughout the history of the BBS).

Are you just talking about the idea of editing posts (which I know you hate) or the PM system idea, as well? I found this topic in a search, and back then it seemed like a PM system would happen somewhat soon. Is the idea cancelled, still in limbo, put on the backburner, what? I don't want to sound impatient, I'm just curious. :-P

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-15 22:20:19

At 2/15/06 10:16 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Is the idea cancelled, still in limbo, put on the backburner, what? I don't want to sound impatient, I'm just curious. :-P

As far as I know liljim is just working out the kinks in it, amidst all the other stuff around here he has to get done.

Actually, I think if you check though his post history he had a picture of the PM system posted somewhere.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-16 12:14:52

I have a small suggestion to stop abuse.

So often, when flash that aim for Turd turn up, they change the titles to something eye catching and malicious, to get mass voted down by the users.

Well, what if there was like... a downvote cap?

If after passing judgement, a movie's score goes down by 0.15 or 0.25 or maybe even 0.50, it would be flagged for administritive review or disqualified from getting any portal awards?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-16 12:25:16

I have an idea which I think would be easy to implement.

Here goes: When a user signs in, the system automatically redirects to their account settings. I don't change my account preferences often enough to warrant the use of that page every time I log in to NewGrounds. So what I was thinking was that if you made a custom auto redirect option in the account settings, that would be really good.

So it could go like this:

Set custom greeting page: Newgrounds Home | BBS | Flash Portal | Audio Portal | ETC

So a user could choose whether s/he wanted to go to the forums on login, or the flash portal on login etc.

I think that this would be a nice addon to NewGrounds. :-)

> twitter.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-16 12:45:30

^ Lol, that idea's just been made redundant. :-)


> twitter.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-17 15:15:53

I have seen the whole "upload an icon thing", and i think it's a weird system

in fact, i don't actually know how the icons are selected, anyone wanna fill me in on that?

anyways, seeing as this is newgrounds, where you can get stats and everything, why not make uploading icons a new thing to slave over in the hope of getting a "supreme icon commander" badge or whatever.

Thing is, when you upload an icon, nothing much happens it just says "icon uploaded" underneath the flash title, and then that's it, kinda...

why not vote on them? you get points for voting for the one that gets picked, and for making the best ones

so, it could be:

1 points for voting the chosen icon
3 points for making winning icon

it would be like blam/protect points and stuff, getting a new rank after 300 points

I hardly ever come here anymore....

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-21 21:01:01

It should be like, if your flash gets a 1.5/5 or more it gets past judging


Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-21 21:10:30

i think for people that have started a club in the clubs/crews section, they should have mod capabilities FOR THAT THREAD ONLY. they can ban users FROM THAT THREAD. and also delete posts from it. also permaban people from that club.


BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-22 15:30:26

No biggie, but is there any reason it does'nt tell the page views/replies for NG News topics?

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-22 19:23:07

I thought having a test to see if your eligible to become a mod For more details look here

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-23 08:58:02

At 2/22/06 03:30 PM, Funkchiken wrote: No biggie, but is there any reason it does'nt tell the page views/replies for NG News topics?

I asked that.

Anywho, I'm off to Kuwait tomorrow. I desperately need a way to get around the country's blockings, and it seems that proxies don't work. Is there absolutely any way to get on NG?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-23 15:13:54

I apologize for not reading the remaining 28 pages of posts. I'm sure someone already came across with what I'm about to say but even so it's never a bad thing to say it twice. I'm quite new on the BBS posts so I'll try to make it short and clear according to the guidelines left on the top of the topic:

The audio problem now has a problem. It has lost its purpose. Even though newgrounds started as a flash related site it is now evident the users have amassed as audio artists and therefore are an active and ever-growing sector of newgrounds that should be used at its full potential, since the purpose of the audio portal is to actually support flash artists. Everybody wants to be a part of newgrounds.

I've seen multiple suggestions regarding ways to make the audio portal effective. Here's my small contribution:

Among good and usable sounds are also really bad and useless ones. This is of no use hence rendering the "useless" label to the audio portal. Therefore it is within the best interest of NG to save this wasted bandwidth and implement a trial system on the submission similar to the blam/save flash system so we can bring new functionality to the audio portal.

Since users among the audio portal have been growing a lot, the demand is high so I believe. Many have contacted me expressing dissatisfaction and others just stopped submitting.

NG has up to now relinquished the audio portal to a very secondary place but it is my believe that now it is not justifiable. This has ceased to be only a place for people to just leave audio samples so others can use. It is now a place for users to express their creativity through music.

If a blam/save system would be implemented it would be of great help to all: NG; flash artists, audio artists; other users.

I suggest that this system shouldn't be related with experience (i.e, the ones with more experience should have more voting power). We should remember that the music in this portal has a support purpose. If users just start blaming because of personal taste or so their own songs may not meet a rival, the purpose is lost!
The main driving force for people to vote is to establish themselves in the NG community with the level growing through experience. However people are having a hard time to find a consensus in how this could be done: should voting on a song have the same impact as voting a flash clip? should the experience deposit be after voting on 5 entries, being those either flash or music? or should it be mandatory to vote for flash and music? This should be discussed. I also propose as a suggestion the creation of a different experience meter for audio and flash: people voting for audio will gain audio exp. points as for people voting for flash will gain flash exp. points, both deposited after 5 entries.

Thank for your time.



Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-24 18:36:36

I don't know if this is suggested and I don't want to look through 28 pages but...

How about being able to different characters other then English to the BBS.

Such as English with accent marks for the Spainish language or character langauges like Hebrew, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and many more.

Probably suggested but I just want to throw it out there.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-03-03 13:40:44

At 2/24/06 06:36 PM, BatDan wrote: I don't know if this is suggested and I don't want to look through 28 pages but...

Same as him.

I suggests some things for the AP.
- Make a batting average for Audio.
- Option to view Audio reviews of users (apart of or added to the Flash reviews)
- Not only songs for ParagonX9 when in the AP main screen.
- Some sort of makeover should be nice.


BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-03-03 16:45:48

I got a couple of ideas that might help this place more.

Preview post - Since some people don't like to have to double post if they mess up something seriously in a thread when they post it, a "Preview" button would help so they can more easily spot mistakes and errors not really noticable when in the text is in the message box. It will also help new comers figure out that things like [URL] and [IMG] don't work. Plus, it will help those people who post images see what it would look like if they posted it in the forums at that time, so they won't upload the incorrect image and lead to confusion.

More smileys - Although I'm not gonna keep on asking you over and over and over again if you don't do this, having more smileys would mean that the users of this place will have more freedom over the expressions they can...express. Like a sad face if they are sad, a thumps up (and thumps down) icon if they approve of something (or not), or maybe even a NG logo tank icon for reasons I can't explain at the moment.

Spell Check? - Due to the more recent amount of people not having a single amount of abillity to spell correctly, having a spell check button could maybe make the people of NG not have to have that "(sp?)" thing to words they think they spelt incorrectly.

Thread review - In those times when you're posting a very long post, but you need to see something in the thread you're posting in, and you without just opening a new window and seeing that page there you press the back button, but when you go back and then the message is gone. If you were to put a [frame thing] that shows the [number] last posts of the thread, then you could eliminate this nusiance, plus it would save a lot of time.

Thank you for your time.


BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-03-05 12:17:01

You know there's a count on how many entries were submitted yesterday and how many of them were deleted on the portal? How about something were it tells you how many entries were submitted last week and how many were deleted? There is some space on the portal below where the number of entries submitted/deleted are, so some space can be filled up with the information about how many entries submitted/deleted last week.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-03-05 20:35:16

On the Audio Portal:
I agree with that post about the Audio Portal losing its usefulness, and the suggestions given will help a lot. One more thing is that you should be able to go to a random entry from the main page, just like in the Flash Portal.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-03-06 07:47:21

At 3/5/06 08:35 PM, WinTang wrote: On the Audio Portal:
I agree with that post about the Audio Portal losing its usefulness, and the suggestions given will help a lot. One more thing is that you should be able to go to a random entry from the main page, just like in the Flash Portal.

Audio Random Entry Link

I agree it should be clickable though.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-03-08 19:23:23

Here's a security suggestion.


I can't stress enough how big a security threat it is to let anyone on a shared computer change the password without knowing it.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-03-09 12:45:19

I don't feel like looking through 28 pages of suggestions, so I don't know if this has laready been said. In addition to having favorite flash authors/movies and flash reviews, there should also be a favorites for songs, musicians, and a tab that shows reviews for songs. Like this:

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-03-10 20:00:30

Maybe (with the popularity of metal gear awesome) add a "in a nutshell" series/collection.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-03-12 20:40:26

Search For Topics Made By.....

That is all.

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