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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-08 12:05:40

Why not a special aura only for halloween month?

What do you think guys?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-09 02:37:33

At 10/8/07 12:05 PM, WasabiClock wrote: Why not a special aura only for halloween month?

What do you think guys?

Why bother? All that will bring up is a ton of OMFG I IZ A HALLOWEIN topics.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-09 02:42:00

At 10/9/07 02:37 AM, Darkside7000 wrote:
At 10/8/07 12:05 PM, WasabiClock wrote: Why not a special aura only for halloween month?

What do you think guys?
Why bother? All that will bring up is a ton of OMFG I IZ A HALLOWEIN topics.

Lol agreed. I think if you want to follow along and celebrate Halloween then you can express your joy in your sig, profile pic or even make a good flash video. I decked out my profile and sig yesterday. Their are many more ways to show your "spirit" then through aura.

Questions? I can answer almost any Newgrounds related inquiry. Pm me.

Why you have a garbage whistle here.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-09 11:58:47

The current weekly 1st audio was deleted (most likely by the user)

Which could by fixed (not in this case of course, as the song is already deleted) by restricting the edit/delete feature a little; you aren't able to delete or replace the mp3 file when the song is featured in the weekly or all time list

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-09 20:31:15

here is a idea i posted in a topic on general,i am posting it here too,hoping i won't get slapped by a level 30 giant e-cock

I know most great artists are happy with their flash daily/weekly awards,but this isn't the subject of this topic,i have came to talk about the smaller awards(Underdog and Review Crew Pick).

I notice that most of the times they are won by cheaters who are in crews like the star syndicate or the kitty krew,mainly by using multiple accounts and proxies to leave multiple reviews and votes on their movies.

Which is leaving lesser artists no chances to win at least a award or to get exposed(i remind you,Underdog and Review Crew Pick get a week long exposure in the flash portal).

But this also is a nuisance to the one week exposure for those 2 awards,most people are gonna think that underdog and review crew pick are spam flashes so they won't even bother to click the flash name.

Something have to be done about this,like enforcing a new system or new rules.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-11 11:04:37

At 10/4/07 07:12 PM, RupeeClock wrote: Something about colouring newgrounds

That would be fantastic

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-11 11:08:16

At 10/9/07 02:42 AM, DnaDraxxus wrote:
At 10/9/07 02:37 AM, Darkside7000 wrote:
At 10/8/07 12:05 PM, WasabiClock wrote: Why not a special aura only for halloween month?

What do you think guys?
Why bother? All that will bring up is a ton of OMFG I IZ A HALLOWEIN topics.
Lol agreed.

So why not have a 'seasonal' aura that changes depending on the layout, and is hidden when no holidays are open, if a user stays on the aura they will autmaticaly get the default aura (neutral)

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-11 13:07:23

At 10/9/07 08:31 PM, WasabiClock wrote: I have came to talk about the smaller awards(Underdog and Review Crew Pick).

I notice that most of the times they are won by cheaters who are in crews like the star syndicate or the kitty krew,mainly by using multiple accounts and proxies to leave multiple reviews and votes on their movies.
Which is leaving lesser artists no chances to win at least a award or to get exposed(i remind you,Underdog and Review Crew Pick get a week long exposure in the flash portal).

and what if a successful author like JAZZA submits a flash but the 'computer' (since it WONT be a person since the staff are already busy) rejects it since he already has a large number of flash. also, what happened to "Everything by everyone"?

But this also is a nuisance to the one week exposure for those 2 awards,most people are gonna think that underdog and review crew pick are spam flashes so they won't even bother to click the flash name.

not if it doesnt have [kk] in front of it

Something have to be done about this,like enforcing a new system or new rules.

sorry for caps, HOWEVER, i keep saying this so there you go:

At 10/11/07 11:08 AM, Alfie wrote: So why not have a 'seasonal' aura that changes depending on the layout, and is hidden when no holidays are open, if a user stays on the aura they will autmaticaly get the default aura (neutral)

can you FACE the fact that an idea sucks, whether its form thumbs up and down to auras. all these topics are going to be ANNOYING and also, they would just be a different colour aura. Also, why would liljim or whoever want to make ALL the new coding that they would delete a few days later?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-11 19:37:43

Non of that mate, Well: Go to an IPB Forum or vB Forum, Register or log in. Do some posts and log out then come back tomorrow. When you come back any time else, If the forum is active it will surely have some new posts but while it has a lot of new posts and people don't like to go to several categories to just reply some topics, All they will do is click the "View New Posts" or "New Posts" or something else, When you click that you will see every single new post showing within several categories and that would be so helpful and will make NewGrounds forum pretty much more active as it will be easy for people to view the new posts since their last visit! I hope this will be a good suggestions, I will try my best to get this place improved more and more!

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-12 12:01:12

At 10/11/07 07:37 PM, Evasi0n wrote: ...I hope this will be a good suggestions, I will try my best to get this place improved more and more!

Well, since there's massive posting on NG, your sugestion would bring up a disorderly list of new posts. One thing you could do about that is change instead of viewing ALL new posts, you could simply place a link next to each categorie/forum with: "show new posts".

Another adjusmtent might be a link which show you all new posts in topics where you've posted (like you see on Simple Machines Forums).

I think that would augment your idea neatly :)

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-12 18:25:07

I'd like the "Edit Audio Portal Submissions" page to show how many downloads there are for each song too. For convience. Just so I don't have to click the song to check it's downloads count- if that was added there'd be pretty much the same overview as there was before redesign

And when clicking the "favourites" link, it still gives that "Missing or invalid required parameters" error (at least with audio, I don't know with flash). I'm sure you're aware of that, but I just felt like mentioning it

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-12 18:25:15

I have sugestion for an advanced search feature.

It would be bether then to google if you are not looking for relly specific stuff.

Could be a feature to put the serch result in order.
Hither ranking, date, game/movie, age groupe and even autor name.

Also an option to narow the serch down would be nice.
example. an exclusion field... "to exclude results contening thees words."
Show only serten groupe of age... like everyone or adult only...
show only result that rating is higer then... or lower then...
results between "date" and "another date"
show only games/movies

Im prety sure that most peoples vould like to have an advanced search page to find what they would like to watch/play faser and eazyer. probably would be a lot of work to put all this in place. but i tink it would be bether then going trough google...

Hope you will like my sugestion ^_^;

see you for now, thx for taking time to read this.


Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-12 20:04:35

At 10/12/07 06:25 PM, SBB wrote: I'd like the "Edit Audio Portal Submissions" page to show how many downloads there are for each song too. For convience. Just so I don't have to click the song to check it's downloads count- if that was added there'd be pretty much the same overview as there was before redesign

None of that even existed before the redesign.... So it can't really be the "same overview". :)

And when clicking the "favourites" link, it still gives that "Missing or invalid required parameters" error (at least with audio, I don't know with flash). I'm sure you're aware of that, but I just felt like mentioning it

Hrm, I wasn't aware of that. I'll try and get that fixed up right now.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-13 12:37:53

At 10/11/07 01:07 PM, Cheekyvincent wrote: Also, why would liljim or whoever want to make ALL the new coding that they would delete a few days later?

Fine, But I still want my saint aura

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-13 17:14:09

At 10/12/07 08:04 PM, liljim wrote:
At 10/12/07 06:25 PM, SBB wrote: I'd like the "Edit Audio Portal Submissions" page to show how many downloads there are for each song too. For convience. Just so I don't have to click the song to check it's downloads count- if that was added there'd be pretty much the same overview as there was before redesign
None of that even existed before the redesign.... So it can't really be the "same overview". :)

Well, you could see how many downloads (and reviews) each song by an author had on one page before right? That's the kind of 'overview' I'm talking about.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-14 04:16:12

At 10/13/07 05:14 PM, SBB wrote: Well, you could see how many downloads (and reviews) each song by an author had on one page before right? That's the kind of 'overview' I'm talking about.

True, I do remember that

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-14 21:44:04

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-15 12:35:30

At 10/14/07 09:44 PM, the-amazing-joe wrote: Reward System!

I was wondering when you were going to do that...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-15 12:52:27

At 10/14/07 09:44 PM, the-amazing-joe wrote: Reward System!

= CASH and NG is POOR it relies on adverts to thrive, not some rich guy

all these stickers cost MONEY which NG doesnt have much of

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-15 16:24:30

At 10/15/07 12:52 PM, Cheekyvincent wrote:
At 10/14/07 09:44 PM, the-amazing-joe wrote: Reward System!
= CASH and NG is POOR it relies on adverts to thrive, not some rich guy

all these stickers cost MONEY which NG doesnt have much of

I posted some more ideas in the thread. It talks about how this could be practicle.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-15 16:42:58

I know that Newgrounds isn't meant to be a censored-content site, but it would be really convenient for people like me who play games with a minority of below-Adult ratings, such as Dating Games, to be able to exclude games/movies of/a certain rating(s) when you're using the Search feature. The reason I want it is because well firstly I don't like fishing through a bunch of pages of A-rated games to find a decently-rated game because I know that I won't play A or M-rated games and I think it's a waste of my time for me to paw through pages of them, and because...my parents walk past me sometimes. I'd rather they didn't see me on a page with things that say things like "Ooh, sexy dating game" "Sex dating simulator" and stuff like that, and I just don't like seeing those kinds of things myself.
Some people even have the gall to make disgusting preview images of their games/movies.

(I bolded the suggestion just to make sure that the suggestion wasn't lost among the rest of the post)

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-15 16:52:25

At 10/15/07 12:52 PM, Cheekyvincent wrote:
At 10/14/07 09:44 PM, the-amazing-joe wrote: Reward System!
= CASH and NG is POOR it relies on adverts to thrive, not some rich guy

all these stickers cost MONEY which NG doesnt have much of

NG is poor? Ya, seeing the monthly and weekly rewards the top flashes get, I'm convinced ng is a poor, poor website

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-15 19:17:56

At 10/15/07 04:52 PM, SBB wrote:
At 10/15/07 12:52 PM, Cheekyvincent wrote:
At 10/14/07 09:44 PM, the-amazing-joe wrote: Reward System!
= CASH and NG is POOR it relies on adverts to thrive, not some rich guy

all these stickers cost MONEY which NG doesnt have much of
NG is poor? Ya, seeing the monthly and weekly rewards the top flashes get, I'm convinced ng is a poor, poor website

NG gave over $3000 in mothly awards this week. I don't think that's considered poor.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-15 21:03:52

At 10/15/07 07:17 PM, the-amazing-joe wrote:
At 10/15/07 04:52 PM, SBB wrote:
At 10/15/07 12:52 PM, Cheekyvincent wrote:
At 10/14/07 09:44 PM, the-amazing-joe wrote: Reward System!
= CASH and NG is POOR it relies on adverts to thrive, not some rich guy

all these stickers cost MONEY which NG doesnt have much of
NG is poor? Ya, seeing the monthly and weekly rewards the top flashes get, I'm convinced ng is a poor, poor website
NG gave over $3000 in mothly awards this week. I don't think that's considered poor.

I know all three of you are young (and that's not a bad thing, I'm not putting you down for it and this certainly is not a rant (which it could be))...

But all three of you clearly don't have an understanding of how the world works. It doesn't matter how much Gross Profit any company makes - the site could be bringing in millions of dollars a year in revenue (which is still small beans in business terms).

What matters is Net Profit - what's left after expenses are paid for. And the expenses on NG are pretty huge, even just for running costs (non-staffed site, where nothing would get done).

NG is above water at the moment, financially, but it's only due to Tom's astute Business sense that that is still the case. There have been many occasions in the past where NG has nearly disappeared... Just be thankful that it's still around and you're still able to use it.

With respect to giving out freebies left, right, and center, to people who're just voting on animations, I think you can forget that idea indefinitely (particularly when based on ideas from points accumulated from voting). Rewarding artists in some way or other is a different matter.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2007-10-15 21:24:18

I've been considering closing this thread for a long while now (perhaps even prior to the redesign) and now seems like a good time to do it. It's been over two years since this thread was created and a lot has changed. I'll try and summarise:

1. Many of the ideas here have already been implemented or been rejected (reasons for which have been given along the way).

2. It's been over two years since this thread was created and a lot's changed since then. Ross has returned (yay!), so I'm no longer in a role where I'm solely responsible for all of the database driven stuff. And there have been a bunch of new staff members join the team, who all have input as to what goes on around the site.

3. People are seemingly unable to read the rules of posting to the thread, before posting to it. Point one in the first post to this thread includes this: "discussion of ideas is no longer encouraged" - and yet, many of the latter posts in this thread are discussions as to whether or not the ideas suggested are feasible (or whether the people who've posted agree with the ideas proposed).

4. People prefix posts with something along the lines of, "I'm not sure whether this has already been suggested, but..."

If you didn't read the thread, then you shouldn't be posting in it. I have some sympathy for those who don't want to trawl through the pages to see if their idea has already been suggested (because it's gotten huge over the past couple of years), but not much. I have read every post here and I'm pretty sure Ross has done the same thing when he came "home" in June 2006. I've even seem the same suggestions on the same page (meaning that the person posting hasn't even read the last page of the thread he/she has posted to).

I did spend some time writing up what's changed and what needs adding to the stuff done, rejected, etc, but that was before the redesign, so I need to skim through everything again and make sure I've covered all bases before trying to post an augmented and more concise Mk3 version of all of this.

I'll post a link to a newer thread (and newer discussion thread) once we're back up and running with new rules, etc.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2008-09-24 19:38:52