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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-01-24 08:09:35

At 1/24/06 03:20 AM, ExtraLife wrote: ...How about when a mod deletes a thread of yours an e-mail should automatically sent to you by G-Bot saying" _______ deleted your thread." So you at least know who it got deleted by and could ask why if you wish to pursue.

Or they could ban you and leave a message. That's what happened to me.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-01-24 10:27:02

At 1/24/06 08:09 AM, arab_freak wrote:
At 1/24/06 03:20 AM, ExtraLife wrote: ...How about when a mod deletes a thread of yours an e-mail should automatically sent to you by G-Bot saying" _______ deleted your thread." So you at least know who it got deleted by and could ask why if you wish to pursue.
Or they could ban you and leave a message. That's what happened to me.

I didn't get banned though...

I'm not sure if not getting a ban when your thread gets deleted happens a lot though :\

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-01-24 15:00:39

Got an idea for the Portal Preferences that I think a lot of Portal Judgers might like.

Auto refreshing, under portal preferences from the GG menu, you could maybe choose "Refresh the portal frontpage every ## seconds" with a dropdown menu, with a choice from 15 seconds, 30 seconds, maybe as far as 1 or 5 minutes.

This would mean users would be able to constantly have the Portal as their current page and wait for updates and new entries, as well as leaving the computer for a moment and coming back to see a new entry.

If you're worried about server load, maybe you can just put the 50 most recent into an iframe that refreshes itself, then it's mostly just text and not a whole page it refreshes.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-01-24 21:42:20

I noticed in the NG BBS F.A.Q. it reads that the maximum dimensions for uploading pictures to the BBS are for 400x300 but its really 500x400.

You should change that...

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-01-25 05:17:47

Maybe this has been said, I dunno I coundn't be bother to read oll the posts:

I think it would be a good idea if someone added a section to the NG BBS Rules about creating threads in the C&C. Mainly because of all the n00Bs making real crappy clubs or crews that end up getting locked/deleted almost instantly.

This signature makes use of various clichés and/or 'emotional' lyrics/quotes, hopefully it makes me appear deep.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-01-25 09:25:37

I just want to point out that we need more levels, there are too hard to get the higher levels hence many members stop voting on the portal and therefore the submissions of many authors lose exposion they othervise would get.

The same goes for badges and so on, the under judgement submissions lose exposion aswell, and it is important for unexperienced authors to get tips so they can improve further.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-01-25 17:28:23

At 1/25/06 09:25 AM, Andersson wrote: I just want to point out that we need more levels, there are too hard to get the higher levels hence many members stop voting on the portal and therefore the submissions of many authors lose exposion they othervise would get.

The same goes for badges and so on, the under judgement submissions lose exposion aswell, and it is important for unexperienced authors to get tips so they can improve further.

Are you saying, get levelups faster so depositors keep their interest and continue giving money to NG through advertisiers?

I think it could work.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-01-26 10:25:39

At 1/25/06 05:28 PM, RupeeClock wrote: Are you saying, get levelups faster so depositors keep their interest and continue giving money to NG through advertisiers?

Tom Fulp has said that tbe reason to why Newgrounds have the leveling system, just as the ranks are to give submissions more exposion as members keep their intrest up and continue to come back to the site.

Although, each time a member have deposited and been given their 9th level, many of them leave the site as they are impatient enough to stay for three months without any large change in their profile.

Newgrounds.com is a very trafficed site because of the visitors who yet haven't reached the 9th level.

When they have, a lot of them leave the site.

As Newgrounds have more than 900 thousand registrated profiles, the site should actually become more and more trafficated for each day.

But only, lets say 10´000 of those who have a profile continue to come to the site.

It is because of the large traffic Newgorunds can earn so much money on advertisment, but I believe that they could gain even more.

At the moment more members leave after they have reached level 9, than stay.

If the administrators consider the economic opportunity they are given, only through making more ranks and levels, they should see that it is worth it.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-01-26 11:41:14

At 1/26/06 10:25 AM, Andersson wrote: At the moment more members leave after they have reached level 9, than stay.

Those who took the trouble to get to level 9 are here for more then just experience points, otherwise they would´ve left way earlier (just depositing isn´t really that much fun). Surely they´ll be discouraged because of the sudden huge exp gap, but they´ll stay because there are plenty of other things to do on this site as well.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-01-26 16:53:46

I have an idea... how about when you blam a movie there is a link to its obituary page so you can read the crappy reviews the movie got

Every once in very great while comes a ridiculously funny thread. So funny in fact i must put it into my sig http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /1049194/1

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-01-26 17:04:02

At 1/26/06 11:41 AM, Auz wrote: Those who took the trouble to get to level 9 are here for more then just experience points, otherwise they would´ve left way earlier (just depositing isn´t really that much fun). Surely they´ll be discouraged because of the sudden huge exp gap, but they´ll stay because there are plenty of other things to do on this site as well.

That is incorrect.

Almost everyone does actually stop visiting the site each day when they finally realise how hard it will be for them to get to the next level.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-01-27 19:45:51

I would like the BBS to inform me that I have reached my post quota, before I actaully press "Post It!" Can it tell me as soon as I click new topic instead?

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-01-29 07:49:50

Having the name of the mod appear in your ban message? It makes it easier to contact the mod who banned you.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-01-31 17:08:50

At 1/30/06 01:30 AM, mofomojo wrote: I have another idea.

In your profile, under the location tab it links you to either A) a wikipedia article of that town or B) a google maps page of that town.

I believe both of these can be automated some how.

I'd love to see Google maps locate "Habitat: At home" or "Habitat: Your mom".

Still, I got an idea for adding to favourites.

When viewing a submission, currently if you try to add something to your favourites it comes up with a page that doesn't fit in the window that pops up.

Would it not be possible to redirect say a small Iframe contained within the page, that gives you a dropdown list from 1 to 200?

Or maybe perhaps, change the favourites page so that the actual favourites are in an iframe that is shown on the GG menu in another page, then launched on it's own from a Flash page?

Btw, is anyone EVER going to buy that "Your ad here!" space? It might be worth dumping that text link since no one's bought into it for months.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-01 11:56:36

At 2/1/06 12:59 AM, MortalWound wrote: I don't know if this has been suggested yet because i didn't feel like searching 26 pages of stuff. Now you have a button for viewing your flash portal reviews. I think it would be nice if you had a button for viewing your BBS posts. Not all your posts mind you, but you could look through to see the topics that you created.

All I do is use Ctrl+H (history) and search for my topics. Either that, or click on the 'Posts' link under my avatar.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-02 18:29:57

The NG FAQ (HELP) page doesn't cover the King of the portal topic.

Seriously, either put something about Strawberry Clock there or actually explain how King of the portal is determined each month, which is either:

A: Beings a Strawberry AND a Clock consequtively
B: Getting the most portal awards in a month or so.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-03 09:45:08

I got a couple of ideas:

- Being able to report abuse on reviews of blammed movies, that way, if someone decides to make a abusing review, and the movie gets blammed, they won't get away with it.

- An "auto-refresh" option for the NG BBS, so people will be able to not have to refresh the page again and again to see if someone replied to some thread (which I sometimes do).

- More options more things on the portal and the BBS, like being able to change the number of posts you see in each page, or how many threads you see in on page. And also more options for the portal, like emails notifications to things like if someone "updates" one of your favorite movies/games (and be able to choose which of you favs will have this email notification option).

- Maybe a front page vote thing? If a certain number of people (probably a large number) click a "Suggest this for Frontpage" button on the flash's page. Then the admins (or mods, or somebody else) will see if that should go on frontpage. That way, all those underrated movies that pass the admins' eyes will not go unnoticed.

That is all for now.


BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-03 09:54:53

Like how EXP gives appeal with levels and unlockables, maybe B/P ranks can unlock secrets too?

I mean I've worked hard to get all these points and they just get you voting power increases, whilst EXP does that AND gives you secrets.

3 secrets is not enough!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-04 17:56:44

1 suggestion.....swf enabled sigs

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-04 21:19:21

At 2/4/06 05:56 PM, x_factor11 wrote: 1 suggestion.....swf enabled sigs

No, the second that happens there will be unlimited ammounts of actionscript abuse that could crash computers, redirect you or make unwanted noise.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-07 09:24:55

I've got one... revamp the audio search bar so that you can search for a song by name (would have to be partial match allowed because some artists put a lot of ASCII in their song names) or by song ID.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-08 02:47:24

This have probably been suggested in other forms before, but an official audio contest would be a good thing for the audio-dudes. I know FDA had some going on, but perhaps he didnt get enough responce to finnish it? i dont know...

Anyway, a more fruitful idea is that audio gets awarded one way or another in the monthly voting... To have a separate contest for audio only might seem a lil wierd since this is a flash site, but i think its about time to make some kind of audio-award thats linked to flash one way or another. Thats the best way to boost the audio portal, and also shows that NG takes its musical talents seriously.

Liljim? this anything that could be possible in the future one way or another?

Wakka wakka

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-11 18:55:30

I have a brilliant idea that could make you SCREAM with pleasure.

Quite simply an official NG calculator made by liljim or such.

It would provide the functionality of this page (telling you how long it'll take to level up) and the same for Blam and protects.

What would be awesome is if it would directly take information from your account when you're logged in and display pre-calculated information when you check this page from your grounds gold menu.

There could be like...

EXP to next level up
- Basing on if you deposited every day
- Basing on your depositing habits (calculating percentage of days missed since sign up)
- How long until your next secret (still 24690 for me...)

Voting power
- How long till a certain ammount
- How many B/P will do WHAT to your VP
- How much it will go down if you stop depositing for so long
- Show it out of the maximum. 16.00 VP

Blams and protects
- Show your rank and current badge
- Show how long until your next badge, accounting from habits
- Show who is competing with you in rank
- Show the benefits of going up ranks

- Show popularity of your account, how many times your profile or flash have been viewed
- Rank your total popularity
- Show rank competitiors
- Do same for authors with YOU as their favourite

It could also be done with a lovely flash interface with design by Stamper or someone. :)

Please for the love of god DO THIS, this will add so much functionality to the GG Menu and prove a great help to stat builders.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-13 08:20:50

Sorry if this has already been suggested, but I am not going to read 27 pages of posts.

I was just looking through the top couple hundred of the best flashes seeing if I have ever missed anything good. That suddenly gave me the idea for a new statistic: the highest ranking a flash has achieved. The ranking gets bumped around so much, it would be cool if you could see what the highest ranking ever achieved was.

For example it could be like this:
Ranked # 103 for Score
Highest Rank Achieved: 55
Ranked # 3,711 for Popularity

Anyway, just a thought.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-13 11:53:41

I think they should be a favourite games list in the user profiles next to favourite movies and favourite music. So you can show what games you like and so people making game spoofs know what people like.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-13 20:50:19

you know what, all these different BBS suggestions have been made, but I doubt anyone has mentioned what I'm about to say (sorry if it has been . . . it isn't exactly easy to wade through 27 pages of posts, heh).

the forum coding should be changed to phpBB, or something similar of the sort. almost ALL forums these days are using phpBB or something similar, and it is by far the most efficient and effective forum system around. I'm sure some expert NG coders could take phpBB and modify it accordingly for Newgrounds' needs (phpBB is open source).

phpBB contains almost all the features that have been suggested (editing posts, private messaging, etc.) and is very easy to implement and maintain. I'm not some advertiser for phpBB or something, but I have had experience in the past with starting, operating, maintaining, moderating forums and I've found that almost everyone uses phpBB for the reasons listed above.

it just seems that the NG BBS is in a completely solid-state, with upgrades and revamps being very tedious and difficult to implement. be that as it may, this is just my opinion. I am in no way some expert on the topic, and I don't really speak with any authority except by my own experience. I know NG BBS is already running on a php forum system, but in my opinion, switching to something more widely-used and something more flexible would be best . . .

hope that helps in any way/shape/form. cheers!

**Footnote** I'm pretty sure everyone knows what phpBB is, but in case: phpBB

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-14 14:55:45

I'd love to see the ability to search for authours of a post, and then specify to limit the search to topics that person made.

This because it's a pain trying to find a thread you made months ago but forgot the name of and once you have a high postcount it takes a lots of zifting through your own jabbering before you find it.

No more fucking moving .gifs? WHAT THE HELL. FUCK YOU.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-14 16:03:13

At 2/13/06 08:50 PM, tedJohnston wrote: the forum coding should be changed to phpBB

Fuck no. phpBB is SHIT.

This forum is custom made, liljim would never take a shitty free internet forum and use it in place.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-14 19:38:23

Fuck no. phpBB is SHIT.

Almost all the BBS suggestions made here are already part of phpBB. If phpBB was shit, then why would everyone want all its features?

This forum is custom made, liljim would never take a shitty free internet forum and use it in place.

phpBB is OPEN SOURCE, meaning that liljim could easily meld all its features with his own custom coding. Hell, he can take ALL the coding from this forum setup, and simply dump it into phpBB, and then tweak around a bit (of course, it's not THAT easy). Maybe if you read past my third sentence, you would've gotten all that.

And get something else into your head: free does not equal shitty. Google is completely free, non invasive, and lives only off of text ads. Everyone laughed at them in the beginning, but look where they are now. Face it, free + open source is the new "kickass" on the Internet.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mk2 2006-02-14 19:55:09

At 2/14/06 07:38 PM, tedJohnston wrote: Almost all the BBS suggestions made here are already part of phpBB. If phpBB was shit, then why would everyone want all its features?

Because we dont need every single feature they have. I wouldnt be here that much if newgrounds switched to phpBB. I know they never will though. I dont like it at all even for my own forum while I am learning to code my own.

phpBB is OPEN SOURCE, meaning that liljim could easily meld all its features with his own custom coding. Hell, he can take ALL the coding from this forum setup, and simply dump it into phpBB, and then tweak around a bit (of course, it's not THAT easy). Maybe if you read past my third sentence, you would've gotten all that.

I like the fact that it is completely custom coded and 100% done by newgrounds not some rip-off phpBB forum with some "Mods" on it.

And get something else into your head: free does not equal shitty. Google is completely free, non invasive, and lives only off of text ads. Everyone laughed at them in the beginning, but look where they are now. Face it, free + open source is the new "kickass" on the Internet.

Oh and...

Google > phpBB