Happy belated Valentine's Day! Hope y'all don't mind me just kinda popping back in here for a moment to drop off this crepe cake recipe I found. I got a crepe maker as a late Christmas gift, and I wanted to use it a bit more often than I do now, so the cake seemed like a good thing to use it for (which it was, btw). I didn't make the crepe mix from scratch, so I can't attest to how good or bad that aspect of the recipe is. I used pancake mix and just tossed some shit in there to experiment:
- A couple eggs
- Milk instead of the instructed water
- Cinnamon
- Vanilla extract
- Cloves
Besides the milk and mix, I didn't measure anything. I took a risk, and it was fun. I did, however, make the frosting, and I did also use the measurements. Very easy and tasty. Not too sweet, which I appreciate
I do plan on making the cake again. Maybe sometime tomorrow. But this time, I'm gonna actually let the crepes cool before applying the frosting on it, cuz I didn't do that last time. And before anyone goes, "But JP, you're not supposed to put frosting on something while it's still hot!", just know that I'm aware...I just didn't exactly care on that particular day. It still tasted great, but man, was it funny looking! I'll let them cool off next time, and I'll even send a picture!