finally after nearly 2 years of waiting...
DUDE YOU ROCK!!! I don't have any negative critism
finally after nearly 2 years of waiting...
DUDE YOU ROCK!!! I don't have any negative critism
I have been waiting for this!
Once again you have made an excelent flashwork!
Keep up the great work!
I was waiting forever for this flash! And it totally rocked!
Extreme violence has never been so cuddly.
D: and i felt for snowball *sniffle*
I wish I had a single mote of your talent. Why aren't you famous yet?
Wow... you made that with flash 5?
you are so f-ing good...
you should make more.
Yeah I'm using Flash 5 because for some reason the newer flash programs don't work properly on my computer. As soon as I get far in the animation, the program starts to slow down for no obvious reasons. Not only that but I've also got used to the flash 5 interface.
Oh, and I am making more.