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Reviews for "Bunnykill 3 Vol.2"

novice work, at best.

I don't see how this is number one in the flash portal. The style isn't all that great and the sound and music is really bad in comparison to other top flashes.

The animation is too 2D for my liking..

I would suggest rying more dynamic animations for nice smooth feel :]

Good and violent.


This movie is madnes "Star wars".But the teacher of Skailokar(Snowbal) is wost.Fag!

very inconsistent, very boring

lots of things to keep me saying "how is he not dead yet" like for instance, the huge mech shoots at him when he's completely defenseless and somehow he completely misses the bunny, of course you want the hero to prevail, but make it at least look like he needs to be resourceful instead of just having the mech miss basically at point blank range. Also the tougher the enemies got the easier it seemed for the heroes to defeat, the sabers were very unoriginal, and left me thinking "how is he slashing multiple bullets away and never getting hit when bullets travel far faster than the time of the reflexes, which would and should have lead him to getting shot." The heroes just kind of walked through a base full of enemies and go through it with no challenge and not a single scratch, this made it very boring and left a lot to be desired.

The best Bunnykill yet!

Simply amazing, loved the graphics, your new style, the sound was perfected and there were lots of violent scenes which was just great to watch. Very funny and overall a nifty nine on the score. Really well done, and the secret ending, just great!


To be honest, there's nothing that really makes this a standout episode. It almost seems like I've seen the same one, but with different backgrounds.

The animation is great, but the whole 'Madness' thing is starting to get old. You have incredible skill with animation, so use it on something else.