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Reviews for "Bunnykill 3 Vol.2"

Ah yes good job

I guess patience pays off as this movie was worth it as the gore and violence was much more intense and with the mysterious Sludge was actully animated and the Cyborg was very well done.

I didn't actually expect this to be that good and also it all the things you would want in a good movie/Flash. But...I still stand to my final responese. Good things happens to those who wait for them...even though there was a massive delay.


I already thought this would never be finished! I'm so glad you did it anyway. dude, will these cliffhangers ever end? (watch the credits, people, watch the credits). I hope you'll get to bunnykikll 3 vol. 3 soon! KEEP IT UP AND NEVER STOP!

by the way, it's amazing you did this unbelievably great movie with flash 5!

Mottis responds:

No. Sorry I want to make this clear. there will be no Bunnykill3Vol.3

The thing in the end is just an easter egg for those who were patient enough to wait after the credits. Nothing more.

Good job!

The second part is here and is fantastic. What is there more to say? Action, gore and that wee bit of plot are what make this flash great.

Good job.

All I can say is OH SNAP

I didn't think anything would ever dethrone Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom on my favorite flash list, but damn, this did.

I re-watched Volume 1 before looking at this, since it'd been a while...good idea, too, because Vol. 1 got me stoked and Volume 2 fucking rocked my world. I didn't think it'd be possible for you to out-do yourself in the second part, but you managed.

Breakdown of review stats:

Graphics: 10. I'm honestly amazed my computer could run this without overheating (long story, my machine sucks), but it did. The graphics managed to be beautiful without relying on the excessive effects that slow other flashes down. The characters/gore was done awesomely as well; the maimed battle-mech freaked me out, heh.

Style: 10. Madness on steroids. This surpasses Madness in every way, though, so heh. The movie was full of action and suspense; when Snowball got injured, and the metal rabbits were pouring down, and the mangled battle-mech broke through the wall, I thought it was over...this flash actually got my heart racing. Very few movies have done that.

Sound: 10. Excellent. It added flavor to the fighting, and managed to melt into the background to the point where the animation and the music were one thing, inseparable. Helped add to the suspense and the heart-pounding action.

Violence: 10. What else could I put? I loved when the sleeping guard awoke to a room full of corpses and shot himself. I would too, I think...

Interactivity: 10. Menu, scene select, quality toggle...everything a movie can be expected to have.

Humor: 10. I think I actually said "aww" when Snowball's face lit up when he got that new weapon. I think I did in the first volume, too. Made even more amusing because he was surrounded by hacked-up bodies.

Overall: 10. Wish I could give it a 100, because I'll be damned if this isn't the single most incredible flash I've ever seen on Newgrounds. At the time I write this review it's not even out of judgement and it's already got front page and in the Madness collection. Seems the higher powers love you too, hehe, and you most definitely deserve it.

I am incredibly happy and honored to yet again get to vote on a Bunnykill movie under judgement...and very pleasantly surprised, as it was on the portal when I woke up and got online. ^_^

Ways to improve: Rofl, if there's any way this could be better, I don't know it. I'm but a humble low-grade flash maker who struggles with tweens... XD

So yes...thank you for making this epic flash (did you really make it in flash 5?!). Highlight of my day, and my favorites list. Don't worry about taking so long...I wouldn't expect something this good to be made on the fly.

So do what I'm going to do, sit back and fap to all the awesome reviews this is going to get, heh.

...Bunnykill 4? :hopeful smile:

Mottis responds:

Wow that was pretty in-depth review. Thanks.

Wow, Really Impressive...

It was worth the wait. I think it's safe to say that it was better than the other episodes. Nice work man, nice work...