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Reviews for "Bunnykill 3 Vol.2"

Oo Luke Bunnywalker ?

hoooooooooolly shiiit....

this was a really cool stuff^^

"nearly everything is animated "frame by frame"."

Nearly everything was animated with motion tweens actually. I don't know who you were trying to fool there... But the tweens were at the best quality. Very good performance, there were some bits of the animation i didn't like, but overall very nice. I'd say this cartoon is better than/close to overlapping madness in greatness. Your perspective in the backgrounds is awesome, did you use any tutorials / special methods? I know the one point technique but im still rusty and learning that bit. I would love you beyond believe if you told me your refrences. But i'll keep this a little, short nice work man, it's appricated. Also I like the "extra" scene ;) and thats amazing work for flash 5!

David M.

Mottis responds:

No, it's completely fbf I promise. I didn't use any tweens in the Bunnies motion. I moved the bunnies bodyparts in each frame, then added a new frame, moved them again etc.

The only large part whrere I used tweens was the huge robot. You can actually see this clearly, it's movement is nowhere near as smooth as the bunnies movement.

So no, I'm not trying to fool anyone.


i had wondered where this series had gone. now its back, and better than EVER! I hope to see more of this series!!

A great ending...(or is it?)

Some of the animation was truly stunning, and it was always fluid.
You have some great fighting choreography which separates you from the other well animated fight movies that aren't as fun to watch.

Man...the animation when the baddy was using the force on snowball...
VERY attractive.

Keep doing animation!


This was Awesome! When I was watching it, I thought it was done mostly with tweens, only to discover in you comments that it's mostly FBF! This must have taken you ages, the flash has got to run at 30+ FPS, i'm not surprised its taken so long to make. But it's payed off in the end for you, a big congrats for getting such a high score 4.50, sizzling xD

Oh yeah and congrats for getting front page whilst under judgement, the ultimate seal of approval.

Mottis responds:


It's actually (only) 16 fps. YA RLLY.

By animating frame by frame I can use some little tricks that are unavailible in tween animation to make the animation look smoother. But in the end, it's only 16 fps.