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Reviews for "Bunnykill 3 Vol.2"

I luv that bunny!! ^-^

Hey, your work is awesome...hehe I hope that someday I'll doing this kind of animation...thanks for the flash, I enjoyed so much!! ^-^


bring the black bunny back!!!!

Mottis responds:

haha this is the second time Smoke has died. Don't you think it's obvious that he will return later? The stories have absolutely nothing to do with other bunnykills, so I can bring back old(dead)characters as I please.


This is the tip of the mountain once more, the Bunnkill series has certainly come on in leaps and bounds since it was first released.

Are we going to see Bunnykill 4 at all? I'd love to and I don't think you can really think about stopping making these awesome animations.

I think the only thing that you may find difficulty in is newer weaponry to give it a brand new twist. As for the theme, you seem to have borrowed heavily from Star Wars so far, are there any other Sci-Fi series you want to pay homage to?

I've always loved these flash and I'd dearly love to see more, although I can certainly appreciate the work that's gone into it and therefore how long we will have to wait for any possible Bunnykill Vol 4

[Review Request Club]

Mottis responds:


Yes, I am planning on making Bunnykill 4, however since the stories have no connection to eachother I can change the theme and story.

The next Bunnykill will most likely be a Ninja-themed bunnykill.

Good movie

You're definitly into star wars... The smoke reminds me of han solo jedi... To bad he died... Great movie but stilll too much star wars influence... It colud be made with less sabers and more guns...


its been a long time coming but it was worth the wait, nice job