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Reviews for "SBC plays pacman"

that was surprisingly good!

the graphics and style were very good
the only reason sound got a low rating was because i hate the stupid clocks voice ( the waka-waka sounds were awesome though)
small amounts of violence
too bad it wasn't super funny
overall: 6.2


I've been watching the colllabs you've been in and the animations you have done, they are quite impressive and this is the best by FAR! also you should make a zombie flash, the violence in this PWNEED}


One of if not the best clock day submissions...

Im not sure wither or not this is actually pro or anti clock given SBC's violent death, but i dont care either way. This was very well animated and was a different class to around 99% of the crap submitted in and around clock day. The look was also a pretty original take SBC, also commendable. Good stuff man.

for one I liked a clock submission.

I liked this, and its the only clock crew submission that ive ever liked. you actually animated it compared to the stationary characters of the other submission. Nice to see.

all the best

One of the most origional clock day submissions

Very unique way of animating strawberry and a very good storyline. Nice jorb.