Why did pac man See Cherry Instead of strawberry When He atacked SBX?
Why did pac man See Cherry Instead of strawberry When He atacked SBX?
Good job!
i really liked the idea but i hated by
SBC SQUISHED!! down the ally way...
and its not like for him to be soo cheery...kinda freaky really..
And also you get more than 1 life in Pacman
but otherwise good job keep it up (but without the squishy sounds)
great animation
you did an amazing job of animating this flash. it was halarious. Keep it up!!
Pac-Man Gone Wild (PGW)
very great artwork and idea... any idea where i can get some clock coins like taht?
If somewhat disturbing....
A very good flash. The ghost looks a bit like a Klansman. They always get eaten in the end.