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Reviews for "SBC plays pacman"


i loved this, i am a fan of the clock crew and this was very nicely animated. loved it when pacman started eating SBC, even though SBC would probably die from pacman, but still very nice flash.
Liked it when SBC pushed the Geeky gamer from the pacman machine lol.

kinda like ren n' stimpy

and to answer ewgsped's question ren n' stimpy was cancelled but you can still buy the dvd

uhhg that's gross kinda like ren and stimpy

yup that's exactly like ren and stimpy if anyone remembers that show and by the way what ever happened to that show?


best strawberry clock ever


I think this is a great movie, nothing like the traditional clock movies. The graphics are great and I nearly fell off the chair laughing with the sound effect you added for Strawberry's movement.

The nerd who is playing pacman is a neat observation - there's always someone like that at the arcade wasting hundreds of dollars into those machines.

I never expected the ending like that, it was funny, violent and well drawn - Pacman only ever looked cute on the artwork for the game in the arcade when I was a kid, rather than a ravenous yellow blob with teeth which look like props out of a werewolf flick.