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Reviews for "SBC plays pacman"

Warning - contains spoilers!

I never really thought about how sick Pac Man's death was until watching this!!

Nice job, made me smile. I like the little touches like the strawberry-juice splatting on the screen, and the use of the original Pac-Man-dying sound when the kid gets kicked off the game.

And the "tastes like chicken" surrealism I found amusing.


You have watched WAAAAAAY to many Ren and Stimpy.

I did 2.....

short and funny

it was very funny and nearly everybody loves a funny movie,it was very very very funny

good, good

keep it up, and maybe people will realise clocks can do well. and retard below, don't expect us to believe that. the author would tell us if there was another version on the net, and this is finished by the looks of it anywas. is he didn't want anyone to see it, he wouldn't put it on the net! don't follow his stupid link, it could go anywhere.


i never seen pac man like that before. i guess i don't hate clocks anymore. i think the reason i didnt like them was because i haven't seen the GOOD flashes like this one. i already like pac man, but now i like the clocks too.