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Reviews for "The Challenge RPG"

yes, well

lol I'm level 13,904 with 42878093 credits, 10433 hp, 13909 mp, and i can kill level 9999's in 5-6 goes, very easy, very fun, funny when your lvl's just wont stop going up!


I'm like level 7570, 4130133 credits, every weapon, 33 of every potion, all spells, 56825 health (showing), 75750 mana (showing)... and I can hardly kill a level 9999... XD Love it.

Not too bad graphics, same RPG style game, Repetitive sound, not too much violence (only counting hitting, killing, and magic), can interact quite a bit, and no humor (until you get to one-hitting and killing shit =D )... Overall, nice game.

Dang I'm Good.

I made it to level 2595 with 19512 hp and 26000 mp, and I had all the spells, the best sword, and everything. then i put in 9999 as a battle lvl and he killed me in two moves.


This is a great game, I especially loved the swords :3
The only reason this got a 9 instead of a 10 though was because it was way too easy.

Loved it!!!

I loved it... Could make it a bit more challenging though... I can almost beat the level 9999 now...