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Reviews for "Master Chief Dress-Up"

Good job

As far as dress-up games go this one is pretty good. Theres a good variety of clothing and guns though a better variety of accessories would make it better. The guns dont look the greatest so maybe you can hand draw some more guns, make them up or add some realistic guns. Perhaps if you added extra characters or have different pictures of master chief. Master chief himself needs improvement in terms of looks as its hard to distinguish which clothing fits on the exact part. But great job.

Also as much as I want to submit it to the halo collection I cant as the "Submit to collection" button is grey and unclickable, sorry.

KungFuCow responds:

Thank you. When I have more time, I will re-draw master chief and all the weapons so it will look better. I'll be sure to add in more clothes and accessories as well, which would require me to resize the window entirely, but I am up for it.


masta chief smoking some weed LOL ahhahahahahha o well dude tat was not bad for a first start

KungFuCow responds:

Thanks:P I'm thinking of making a Christmas-based flash soon.

Well done

It was well done, keep it up. Found a bug, if you click on one of the music buttons, it starts playing the song over the current one. Other than that it was good.

KungFuCow responds:

Thats what the stop music button is for. Read authors comments before playing a game next time.


that was fun. you could have made it so it looks like he was holdin the weapon though. plus stop being lazy and actualy draw it instead of trace bitmap. it was funny what was written on his pink pants.

KungFuCow responds:

It looked like he was holding the weapons for most of them, except I guess for the bigger ones. Lol, ok, I will stop being lazy. I'll trace it. And yeah, you are one of the few who noticed what was written on the pink pants :)

Funny and good game

Just add some helmets/armour from the game and the weapons to look like he's actually holding them