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Reviews for "Master Chief Dress-Up"

Dress up the MC? No

I checked the possibilites, funny for about 5 seconds. Sorry dude but I just don't wanna dress up the MC.

KungFuCow responds:

Hey it's not like you can strip him naked or anything...Other people found it humorous.

Good if you like dressups

Good if you like dressup games I guess, not a big fan of them myself.

Comedic value is pretty high though considering what you can do to the ole' chief. gets a high humor rating, but can't give it much else :/

KungFuCow responds:

Well, im glad you thought it was humorous.


sry but not very good

Utter Shit

Wow. Blurry weapons, crap layout, crap master chief pic that came with a gun and was blurry, crapper music and there wasn't even an elite the mess around with.

Do everyone a favour. Practice before you make a new one :l

Graphics are so spray paint in a messy way

That has to be the least satisfying dress up sim on NG ever! what the hell was the last fool saying, i say this is the most shittiest Krap i ever seen, like those graphics are way below 0, like a _ for example, make cartoony accesories not spray paint poopy.

KungFuCow responds:

Flash by jerm7: -None-
And hey, this was my first attempt at a dress-up game, and it didn't turn out so bad. Sure it could've been better, but don't bite my head off.