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Reviews for "Master Chief Dress-Up"


Though the grpahics could be improved, I think it's great. Who would of thought of a dress up Master chief!! Maybe you should do the same for marines and elites...
Overall great, well done.

KungFuCow responds:

Yeah, I know, pretty original huh? :)
Well, I did think of making more dress-up games, but I'm still not sure.


good game maybe not ment for alot of people but still a good game looked like u got lazy about some part . keep up the good work hope u make a secound

KungFuCow responds:

Thanks, I'll try.

Yay! A Halo dress-up!

It was okay. The guns were sort of realistic. You should make another one.

I Ijmaginbed What The MaterChief Said....

Cheif: Now Ya'l Wounderin' Why I'm Holdin' A Guuuun'
And Dressed As A Druggeeeeeeeeeeee
But The Bigger Weapons, E.G The Shotgun, Didn't GO Well..... >.<

i made the most gay possible master chief this game need updates if want see my masterchief here the link http://prntscr.com/ba8k0y