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Reviews for "Master Chief Dress-Up"

sweet traks

i love ur halo sound traks. i can pinpoint the part where trak 2 was used in da game halo 2. it was wen u land on halo 2 and reach the point called OF THE ROCK THROUGH THE BUSH NOTHING BUT JAKAL.
lol i admit im a halo nerd anywa nicely done 1 suggestion tho.
make the armour interchaingable so u can change its colour or make a button 2 switch to make tha character for covenant campaign ARBITER

KungFuCow responds:

The tracks aren't mine, thank the authors that I credited:P
HALO NERDS UNITE! I also love halo, maybe you have a gamertag? PM me if interested. And thanks for the suggestions, they have been noted.


this is relly good.

KungFuCow responds:

Thanks a lot!


dude wat was that flame ring for?? show was kewl

wow this rocs

how did u do this lol !!!


awsome hes shiny i was gettin depresed before i played this ;)