Next time
Hey, bud, atleast make it so you can make it look like hes holding a gun
Next time
Hey, bud, atleast make it so you can make it look like hes holding a gun
The master chief in this game is positioned so that he can appear to be holding most of the guns. Well, I got a few complaints about the carbine though.
so the crazy lithuanian finally got on.
and in only 4 tries. good for you.
it was the coolioiestest.
You DARE to question my flash skill, MICHAEL? NO LITHUANIAN PIMP FARMING FOR YOU!! :P
fucking awsome!
... really you owe me a pair of levis
Well, get diapers or something next time, lol. Oh, play it again, and this time isolate the pink pants and zoom in on the penis. You will uncover a secret message! XD
it is a very good game but what is up with the pike pants with the cock?.. I LOVE SONG 1 AND 3 did you make song 1 cuz it sounds cool.
lol, if you zoom in all the way on the cock you will find a secret message which is an opinion of mine...No i didn't make any of the songs, song 1 is from the audio portal. You can see the full details in the credits. Thanks for reviewing!
it was alright
you could'a done better on the grafhics on MC anyhow i liked it it was fun
I plan to completely overhaul this game in the far future. I have no clue when that will be. And I'm glad you liked it :)