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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"

Heroes in a half-shell.....

I can remember playing just about every one of those video games and only being able to beat like 3/4 of them. lol. I need to find those Zelda games again, they were definetely the best. I thought this was a fine peice of work when it debuted last night, and I instantly knew it was going to be front page material. Good work, there, Scooter.


could of used a little bit more funny thats the only problem

nice, for once: im impressed.

so many good games, so many i don't even know.

but let's get to the point:
since im a (check profile) year old gamer veteran,
this one sorta "touched my heart" (i couldn't resist adding that)
sooo...that's primarily why this good a good score. questions any one?
if there is... E-MAIL ME! (email in profile)



Hell ya! i didnt think anyone even played it anymore!

That was pretty good.

It reminded me of what you'd get if you crossed [adultswim]'s crack induced Robot Chicken with a variety of great NES and SNES games. The result? Utter chaos and awesomeness.

Great job. Hopefully we'll see more flash submissions like this from you in the future.