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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"


Its hilarious, bog frog has no flash, no audio nothing and hes claiming yo guys are stupid, this obviously took time and effort and no one deserves a 5 for smeting like this... BogFrog, maybe if you had something to back up you 10 year old little tantrums youd be taken seriously, get a life..

Anyways, good job guys, this actually made me want to take out my emulator and play some oldys lol




That sucked some hard core balls. That was so stupid. First of all it was not funny at all! You ruind your animation by making the text way to big and it wasnt even the text style used in the specific game. You guys suck at making animations so stop making them alright.

Some were nice, some were terrible

Hehe, I really laughed at some, but most of them were stupid and had no point :D


Not very funny, had it moments. i would say that the harvest moon, was my favorite but all the other was bad. and no animation skills, alll that you need to know i s the basic of tweening! bleh, et it of the front page


Mildly entertaining, at best.