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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"

nice vid

the best part was with the monkey


I just love theses types of things... Heres a tip to all those future/current flash animators... If you make things like theses you have a 50% chance getting a better score from me and other viewers!

Some good some bad

Most of them weren't that funny but some were absolutely great. My favorite was the floating peach skit with mario. But most of them were simply gags like falling ot running into something...not much humor or effort there. I think you need to remake this and be more selective about what gets in. Also out of preference yo ushould add in sprits from the game BattleToads and Double Dragon. One of my favorites on the SNES. Thought it should be on there since Battle Toads were almost as popular as Double Dragon was and they appeared in a game that included both.

Ignore all those bad ratings

Dont listen to anyone who didnt like it, it was good, and i expect better in your next submissions.

how many pixel games were in this movie?