lol it was funny and long as shit
lol it was funny and long as shit
...thats just about ever classic game I've ever played....I really liked the "OOOGA BOOGA! OOOGA OOOGA BOOGA!!" Ganon...he looked like a fucked up angry Buddah back then...hehehe...samus tits...in my dreams...my peverted dreams....the screaming monkey?...wtf...there is WAY to much stuff here to mention ALL of it...so ill just say "GOOD JOB! YOU GOT MY 5!"
Holy Crap!
I liked that. I enjoyed when you made fun of the cute games the most.
Those were the days.
I miss the SNES/NES/Genesis Era. That was before fanboyism got to be extremely rampant. Sure there was genesis vs SNES arguments but they weren't nearly as bad as today. But back on topic, I love this flash. It's a really original idea, funny music, unexpected moments, fun menu, well animated, well illustrated, and loads of quirky humor. This has really impressed me. Bravo. :D
Hahaha! LOL
Haha. Funny shit there. Gosh, what series DIDN'T you spoof? :D