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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"

i luv the samus thing

(you she's kinda hot,in some wierd way)

Just Hilarious

All the inside jokes with the games... great sprites, good jokes.
strait 10 on this one I just couln't stop laughing

like the wario ware of sprite flash

and like wario-ware its not all fun..Some of the stuff is hilarious (MK babality/Mario2) but too many skits rely on predictable physical humor. Keep it up though..there is definetly power in numbers.Retaining the ol-skoo BGMs for most games is also a big plus.


For Lufia, Secret of Mana, and the Indiana X bits, you win. Badly. You all just... win.

Remind me of Robot Chicken

You get bouns points for Shining Force.