Simply Amazing
It was pretty darn funny especially the super mario 2 bit with mario looking up at peach.LOL
Simply Amazing
It was pretty darn funny especially the super mario 2 bit with mario looking up at peach.LOL
Oh man..Laughing out LOUD!
Allright this...was so..good..n_n
Graphics: Sprite movie. Nothing to add to that.
Style: Not the most original, ive seen more sprite movies, but this was really..lame...and therefor funnaye
sound: nothing to add. perfect
Violence: could use a little more blood n'll make it more lame..and therefore more funnaye
Interactivity: Well there was a play button, credits and scene select :P
Humor: Hilarious. Funnaye ass hell xD
Overall i gotto say you done a nice job!
hahahahahaha!!!(nevere ending)
hahaha that was the best game parody ever!!!!make more !
i love this flash...and i love games
Very Funny
Another good collection of short Robot Chicken style shorts