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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"


i LOVED the bablity scene... sooooo funny! The rest were pretty good too.


The only part that made me laugh out loud was the "Babality" skit.

very nice

that was a good and long flash. ahhh those bring back memories. Earth worm jim i couldnt get past the first level lol. but garfeild was easy (why didnt you put that one in) do a second one.

what i liked on the flash was the pokemon and the boogieman( im sure you or your friends had an idea about a monster that farts long before you thought of doing a flash and the metroid woke me up a bit on what she did lol i wish i could see it lol (that would be something)

Hey, that was really good.

It really reminded me of Robot Chicken.


lol awesome video, and to the guy below me, "blammmmmm"....hahahahha