Nice work
The majority of them were cool, but some of them really sucked (no offense), anyway I'll give u a 7.
Nice work
The majority of them were cool, but some of them really sucked (no offense), anyway I'll give u a 7.
Freakin' awsome.
The sprites looked great. The music was awsome. It was so fricking funny. I hope you make another movie like this.
Man... that fucking monkey was the best! And right after that, the G&G guy jumpinmg off the bridge... that was a classic man
I never wanted this to end
Like previous reviews have stated, a lot of this was hit or miss. Oh, but when it it... it hit HARD. Yes, very much like Robot Chicken, which I enjoy immensely. Good work.
randomness galore
In this case, you can't do this type of movie WITHOUT sprites, so its not only that sprites were a good choice - they were the only choice. I thought the humor was there in some cases, but a lot of the skits just kind of missed. (sillhouted taking a crap) It was reminiscent of "Robot Chicken", which is both good and bad.