Similair to something else
But still hilarious, reminds me a bit of robot chicken though show kicks ass
Similair to something else
But still hilarious, reminds me a bit of robot chicken though show kicks ass
scream monkey scream!
omfg that was the funniest thing i have ever could people say this is not funny.i loved the metroid,screaming monkey,super ghouls and ghosts and the megaman x vids.i am also a fan of the skittles n bitz series and this is just like a majorly extended i think someone said though maybe you should make it when you select a video from scene select it puts you back. well done on another great vid. 10's all around p.s i love that screaming monkey
That was halarious!
Your going to my top favs!
I loved the metroid one! XD Who hasn't wanted to see those things?
So many games......>.<
That was funny. My favourite was the super metroid one but thats probably cos I'm a diehard Metroid fan.
so funny!
I liked the number of shorts I usually only see about 15.