Wow, that was really long. It must have took you a long time.
Anyways it was hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, that was really long. It must have took you a long time.
Anyways it was hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm a Maniac Maaniac at the door, and i'm dancin like i've never danced before. *sploosh* GAH! thats the stuff.
And I see you put Shining Force in there as well, THANK YOU! There are absolutely no Shining Force parodies on Newgrounds at all.
Smells like rain.
Sugata: Can we stop training yet?
Damn, those are bigger than I thought.
w00t! PWNage!
I'm warning you, Bub!
This is 8-bit, not 16-bit.
Heroes in a half shell! Turtle power!
Come back! We need your potions to defeat evil!
Do I dare enter?
Alright it's time to go!
I'm so lonely...
Indiana X!
Wild Boogerman wants to fight.
I'm tired of being the cute one! I shall take over the world!
This was worthy of first place. Or a platinum trophy.
I love games, and this made fun of them, but in a good way.
Not many people can do that. Most people make them with a lot of violence or sex and think they're great. I hate those. They take no skill. You guys did a great job.
I got the Sacred Stones sometime during Spring Break, that was Ross in the FE part, right? ^__^
This flash was overall hilarious! I sure wish you could actually talk to the zombies.... I wonder what they'd say...
Some weird zombie dude: GRRRRAAH!!!
Ross: DIE. *pulls out his weapon*
Heh. That was weird.
Very good...
But it went on...FOREVER!