That was well funny, touche on your knowledge of old classics.
That was well funny, touche on your knowledge of old classics.
AND a Lufia tribute? Oh a five for you!
Its amazing on how manysprites ive missed during my life of snes nes. This flash reminded me of robot chicken, on how its random inventory and switches with the scratch when done. Classic. And I loved the MK/MJ part. That was hilarious! Good job. I loved it.
this seems a lot like robot chicken...
and thats why i like it! that show is awesome... so a parody of it shoud be too.great work.mmmm. adventure island... ive played it.. its swwweeeet...
that was awwwwwwwsssssoooommmmmeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that was amazing please make another one that wasssss such a great idea