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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"

excellent job

But was this inspired by the randomness of "Robot Chicken"? Great job on the flash it served my attention span well

hell yeah

fucking good job with the sprite animation.

holy fuggen shizzers!

that was one of THE best pixelized movie iv EVER SEEN! (opposed to other great things youve made.) make another if you get that rare and special chance of time you get between other movies and realife problems. of wiche i have n idea are cuz im on the comp most of time. (yay newgrounds and other web pages that i will not name or tom might send a thug to beat the shit outta me or mabye just ban me or somthin) anyways sorry for making this so long. i let you get back to your life. if you took the time to read this that is. piechew out.


I got the Sacred Stones sometime during Spring Break, that was Ross in the FE part, right? ^__^

This flash was overall hilarious! I sure wish you could actually talk to the zombies.... I wonder what they'd say...

Some weird zombie dude: GRRRRAAH!!!
Ross: DIE. *pulls out his weapon*

Heh. That was weird.

Wow! That was the longest flash movie! :0

And I mean EVER! And I thought Final Fantasy Gil Quest was the longest! LOL! :P Good job Wario 2K3! XD It probably took you forever to make this long ass movie! :P