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Reviews for "- Jestar's D-DAY SKATE -"

A nice short.

This movie was a good movie and I enjoyed it considerably. A good short that has a great text layout with nice sound and music within. The interactivity is improved as there are more options and places you can go to. The movie also provides some good info and extra links.

Good job!

Jestar responds:

Wow. Very very descriptive.
:/ I dont know if an overall of 6 matches your descriptive description. But you know, at least you said some good things.

Meh, I've seen better.

It was fairly good, but if I wanted to watch senseless stick-person violence. I'd still watch Xiao Xiao.

Jestar responds:

...Then go watch my other movies.
. . . . . . . . . . .
Go away please.

Pretty Good.

I liked it, you really seem to like skate flash. But what exactly does D-Day Skate mean?

Jestar responds:

It's a skate company. I was asked to do a flash under their name.... Another one is in production. I'ts a fullbody and it is taking forever to animate. So expect the best.

cool flash

i used to love skatbording man i wish i was as good as that damn stick figure... well anyways it was a pretty good movie i mean a few stick figures skat boarding is enough of a story for me, the graphics were overall good exept for the whole stick figure part, the sound was better then i expected, there was some violence in it when he falls, and when he fell off that staircase was kinda funny.. there you go 3/5

Pretty cool

Looked pretty cool for a stick movie. Liked the part where the stick dude hit the wall. Also the music was a good choice to this flash. Add some more details to the character and it could be better.

~The Review Request Club~