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Reviews for "- Jestar's D-DAY SKATE -"


Great work dudes, I love da skillz.

Positive: Kewl all round stick skate

Negative: Longer and faster, I like that.

Bye bye cya at TNGFC

Jestar responds:

Wtf? How is LONGER AND FASTER... Negative? :(
... I dont get it.


good movie

you did a good job 5/5 from me. the flash was exeeding a b ao i said il give you a 5/5. any ways back to the movie, the sounds were in sync with the characters movements.the audio was awsme. you did a good job animating.. i personaly perfer d-day skate 2 and jestifibliar.


ok: great music,i like how there was tricks and bails in the movie not push button for bails and button for tricks it was kinda good drawing so great flash i loved it!!!!

pretty cool

i liked it and the tweens, cept it was a tad fast, but no big flaws, pretty good

~Review Request Club~


A really nice skating flash. Good music and good animation. I don't tend to like stick figure flashes, but in this case it was alright, keep it going!
