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Reviews for "- Jestar's D-DAY SKATE -"

that was great.

i love me a good skating movie, and this one was very good. the song was definately a 'skating song', so nice choice. the animation was hella smooth, and the graphics were good apart from the stick figure. maybe next time you should simply add some colour to his limbs, give him a face, etc etc.
and the sound effects were good, too. Tony Hawk has got some great ones, eh? haha. nice work.

Jestar responds:

I know, Korrupt from StickSlaughter is the coolest d00d who evar lived. We practically animate the same way, too. Except he uses the ine tool, like I did in "Mullen Freestyle." O_o
Check some of his shit out sometime. He has some great skate shorts that i put in my faves.


one of the best skate movie !

bravo !

Jestar responds:

Gracias. You ARE the protector indeed.

Roxorz My Boxorz

:3 meow. That was silly. Crazy stickfigure skating man. You need to make a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge continuous lines of ramps and traps and so on so forth, then make that stickfigure do awesome moves through each one. =O U can do it, i believe in yooooooouuuuuu.... Well, actually, no i don't. but keep at it. This was a nifty aminatioooooonnnnnnn... (I meant to spell that wrong. ^,^)

=O The skateboard looked cool. I want one just like that... A red one...

<7/10> Why do I keep changing my grading system?
This gets 7/10 because skating is fun! Till you bail on a pile of jagged rocks.

Jestar responds:

Youre a freak and I love you.

Alright, good job guys!

This is one of the best stick figure skate movies I have seen. I really liked this. The graphics were good. There was some detail in the backrounds. I liked the style, that was the best part. The sound was different. In a good way. I liked it. There was some funny bails. At the end "Yeah, sure." That was classic. The was also some good humor. My favorite scene was the vert. So keep up the good work. You are better with animating sticks, Jestar.


Jestar responds:

Thanks Kev. You rock.
Lambo told me Devin didnt really DO the vert thing. So I sort of got discouraged. But I got to keep it, and it made the movie better... Didnt it?
I'll be looking forward to your FBF's.
Nice review, w00t 9!
<3 ~Jestar~


That was an OK movie, a little short but whatever...
I can't believe that you'r just 13 years old.
But why D-Day?

Jestar responds:

Im not even 13. But...
Anyway, D-Day?
Because its one of the nicknames of the kid I based the movie on. That is where Lambofactor got the name for D-Day Skate!