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Reviews for "- Jestar's D-DAY SKATE -"

Alright, good job guys!

This is one of the best stick figure skate movies I have seen. I really liked this. The graphics were good. There was some detail in the backrounds. I liked the style, that was the best part. The sound was different. In a good way. I liked it. There was some funny bails. At the end "Yeah, sure." That was classic. The was also some good humor. My favorite scene was the vert. So keep up the good work. You are better with animating sticks, Jestar.


Jestar responds:

Thanks Kev. You rock.
Lambo told me Devin didnt really DO the vert thing. So I sort of got discouraged. But I got to keep it, and it made the movie better... Didnt it?
I'll be looking forward to your FBF's.
Nice review, w00t 9!
<3 ~Jestar~

Made me laugh

That was really good loved the skating of course.
Would of been cool if he caveman'd the car

but that's about it

Really good flash

Jestar responds:

PFFFFTTTT. Yeah cavemans are sweet.
~Jestar <3


pretty fuckin good! i skate my self but now i feel bad because i cant do half the shit they did in this, lol owell ill keep trying if you keep up the good flash!

Jestar responds:

Dude, I cant do ANY of the shit they did in this. Thanks a bunch :) (OMG THAT SOUNDED MENTALLY CHALLENGED.)


Great work dudes, I love da skillz.

Positive: Kewl all round stick skate

Negative: Longer and faster, I like that.

Bye bye cya at TNGFC

Jestar responds:

Wtf? How is LONGER AND FASTER... Negative? :(
... I dont get it.



ok: great music,i like how there was tricks and bails in the movie not push button for bails and button for tricks it was kinda good drawing so great flash i loved it!!!!