One of the better skate movies I have seen. I thought you could have made it abit longer.
One of the better skate movies I have seen. I thought you could have made it abit longer.
Yeah, but I put this movie off for too long. I knew Lambofactor was getting antsy, so I just tried to finish up. Thanks for the 7!
Good job!
Well done, keep it up!
If you decide to make a sequel, try to improve graphics and lenght, as this one was a little too short.
Thanks, if I make the sequel, I will definitely make it longer. I know most people like long movies, but to be honest, watching a long flash makes me bored out of my fucking skull. Sadly.
So, I sort of make my movies short, partly because I never get bored that way, and so I dont get bored out of my fucking skull.
I dont like tweening, and tweening is usually what makes movies long. So blech, I will never become a victim of the tweening disease.
Roxorz My Boxorz
:3 meow. That was silly. Crazy stickfigure skating man. You need to make a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge continuous lines of ramps and traps and so on so forth, then make that stickfigure do awesome moves through each one. =O U can do it, i believe in yooooooouuuuuu.... Well, actually, no i don't. but keep at it. This was a nifty aminatioooooonnnnnnn... (I meant to spell that wrong. ^,^)
=O The skateboard looked cool. I want one just like that... A red one...
<7/10> Why do I keep changing my grading system?
This gets 7/10 because skating is fun! Till you bail on a pile of jagged rocks.
Youre a freak and I love you.
Pretty good
--The Good--
The animation was nice and smooth. Also, the graphics were nicely drawn, and the style was pretty good, too. The sound effects were right on cue with the movements, and the audio choice was pretty good, I guess. There was some interactivity in this movie, too. The font(s) you used for the lettering was pretty cool, too.
--The Improvement-Needing--
Well, the extras seemed just a little bit pointless. I guess it's better to have them thee then to not have them at all, but still, I was expecting more than just short biographiesof the two guys that made this flash.
Overall, I gave you a 7. This is a pretty good flash, and it could just use a bit more extras.
I dont get what you meant by "yeah, sure" at the end i think you may have been referring to the impossibility of landing that trick, well thats what i presume. I thought you setup the menu quite well although the fonts you used were just totally too hard to read and the extras were kinda lacking. I liked the music you chose for the background for the movie and you also added alot of good scenes in this and also included alot of good stacks. Overall i dont like stickboard movies but you did yours with a structure, good job.
(Hamy_jamy isn't even suppose to be here today)