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Reviews for "- Jestar's D-DAY SKATE -"

Well, it was pretty good!

I liked it, the graphics seemed good (other than the stick figures), the music matched the movie, and the tricks seemed pretty need. It seemed pretty realistic with the sound effects in it. I think you did a good job on animating the board and movements for when the character is doing tricks. Unfortunately, it seemed pretty boring. Though, it was still a good flash.

Jestar responds:

Mmhm. =]

Well made, but not very exciting.

^^Good Points^^
The best part about this movie was the graphics. Though you used stick figures, you animated the board well and the body movements of the stick skater were realistic. The sound effects were very clear and were right on cue with the animations in the movie. I liked the text style and coloring you used in the menu and throughout the movie.

^^Needs Improving^^
I was expecting this to be a little more exciting. You didn't really animate any tricks that, atleast to me, were very exciting. Also, the far away camera view doesn't help the situation out. From seeing this, I think you definitely have the talent to change the camera angle and animate some more interesting tricks.

This movie has some good graphics and sounds, but is a tad boring.

Review Request Club

Jestar responds:

Flash is boring.
Thats why I go outside =]

A very cool skating flash!

~The good~

The graphics, though sticks, were done with a lot of style, they moved with good-looking physics and performed pretty cool looking tricks. The skate musics obviousely fit this skate flash perfectly. The sound effacts, such as the falling and grinding, were done exellently as well.

~The bad~

For a skating flash, really not too much action, since this isn't real, it would be a lot cool to see some outstandingly cool moves like a 900 or a darkslide. Also, this flash really wasn't all that long, especially since you had a song in there, it didn't get to the end of the song and it just cut off after the credits. A useless thing that I found in this flash is the extras, no offense, but nobody really cares what your favorite hobbies and companies are. It would've been cool to see a deleted clip, or something like that.

Overall, a very cool skating flash, I will go and check out the next one now, as well. I hope this review was helpful!

Review Request Club

Jestar responds:

I hope you get raped by a mexican.
I take it back =[

I love skate movies

This one was well animated, funny and looked great. Overall brilliant job :) Voted 5!

Review Request Club

Jestar responds:

Old movie = fun movie.


every time i wacth this movie it is still not boring. that happens with most other movies i wacth more then once.

Jestar responds:

Dude, what the hell, youre the best.
Have my babies.