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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"

background is too dazzling

look forward to the next one

Very much like watching a video game.

I very much respect your animation talent. This resembled a video game in its detail, consistency and flow. However, the storyline had little or nothing to do with what you actually see. The opening screens detailing the back story are great, but there is zero characterization, plot or development of story in the piece. Ultimately, I believe that art is about telling a story, sharing an opinion, sparking dialogue, connecting with your audience. Despite the flash-bang-pyrotechnics of this highly competent and technically admirable piece, it has no soul, vitality, story or resonance.

Cool explosions, though :-)

McFretN responds:

This animation is only about the actual fight (and the outcome), Not the story around it and how it evolves. i dont like to waste my time on that.


great graphic and stuff but really boring


hey that was kwl, but the fire was a bit weird

Great job animating but it almost put me to sleep

way too long and way too fucking boring..