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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"


i was wondering when u'd be back on the scene. your site is so 'unupdated' (so to speak) that i feared we'd never see mcfretN again.

not too much of a plot, and some animation techniques i spotted were pretty cheesy.

overall, still very good and i enjoyed the excellent shooting effects, although the explosions are 'so' CI2.

well done.


The _BEST_ flash movie i've seen in... well, ever! The only two weak points are the voice acting, at least there's not much of it. Also, the scene when the pilot's life support gets shot up, the sequence showing the pilot's cartoon-ish face was in stark contrast to the rest of the sharp looking graphics. Two small gripes to an otherwise outstanding, top-notch performance! Great work here!

Oh my god

This is a masterpiece. I have never seen a flash movie that comes close to comparing with this. Hell, many actual movies have seen don't compare to this (plus, this is free!) This is incredible work, and I would say the best I have seen since I joined newgrounds (which was a pitifully long time ago.)

Anyway, this is amazing work, and I'll run out of words far before I begin to touch on its magnificence.

One of the coolist things on Newgrounds

Hey what can I say that was about the awsomest thing i've seen all month the little menu things from first person rocked they gave it a feeling of grunge and of urgency. Sequel????


Look at my rating, then go look at my other reviews.
You'll see why this deffinately is 10 material.

Make. More... Now!
That is all.