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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"


that was long and boring and gay im sorry but you lost my attention i started to stare at my wall this is really repetitive pointless crap but ill give it a 3 and i love your games not this but your games so make a game with this kinda graphics and stuff then ill be there but this was just well i already said it.

Nothing special.

The graphics weren't very good: the fire looked like crap, and the humans' faces were awful. But the spaceships, and the background, were pretty good.
The voice-acting was terrible, but the rest of the sounds were amazing. The sound is the best thing about this flash.


kinda boring but nice graphics even i was almost put to sleep

McFretN responds:

I fell asleep watching lord of the rings, but i do like that movie. Bring up a reasonable arguement


It was just like watching someone play a video game. Not very fun! I kept wanting to take control of those ships, but then I realized, oh yeah! It's a flash... not a game! It had some nice animation, but that's about it.

Not of my interest.

I have never been fond of intergalactic wars, but I really like the graphics.