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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"

I mean tho, ree-lee

You spent all sorts of time on those lil 3d models, but it all came crashin with that shot of the duuk in the cockpit. Make em match up a lil at least, there was no design unity goin on.

That'd be besides the point o course, except there's no real plot progress to latch onto as an alternative. They attack, lotsa them die, another big one shows up. That wasn't the theme, that was the summary. C'mon c'mon.

Good concept....horrible droning....

This film droned on and on. I got bored quickly b/c it was continuously the same thing. It was really good and cool at first, but after the same stuff happening for five minutes, enough was enough. There was truly nothing original or innovative here.

Not bad, but definitely overrated

The short sequence showing the pilot of one of the fighters, while dramatic, was very poorly drawn (better than I could do, but...). Work on your faces. Also, some more interesting cinematography would help a lot.

I would giv ya 5 but...

... But some of the graphics sucks. Try drawing your own damn space ships. Not just copy from the game. But its good cause its so long movie, and nice particle efects..

It needs some spark

Some of animations needs improving but the special effects were done well. Well I got bored watching this you have to try to make it more interesting.