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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"



This kicks butt!!!!

This flash is a far cry from your early work the 3d effects were awsome and were well done i like the effects for the gattling gun the best but the screching of the missles were annoying

This movie whetted my appetite for space combat.

That was incredible. I keep watching this flash for want of awesome space combat scenes. The types of encounters in the battle scene are imaginative and very smoothly animated.

Any criticisms from Nervd0g or others about making the combat more realistic are unfounded and thoughtless. Nobody knows what real space combat is like, all reenactments of it are speculation. Don't be pursuaded in the least by impotent critics like him to change your style.


This was insane stuff man. The graphics were so good, I was absolutely shocked at the quality. The action was intense too, I started to sweat from anticipation to see who was going to win. The ending could have been cooler maybe, but it was still awesome none the less and therefore a must watch.

Very good all around

Great work! The sound and animation is top notch, but more importantly, the style and substance depicted by the animation and sound is Uber sweet. My one problem is that the voices sound corny, try doing them differently next time