How do you it? How id you do those 3d effects? Did you use some 3d program? Are you just really good at skewing?
Anywho I always loved your work. From the first combat instinct to now this. Wow.
How do you it? How id you do those 3d effects? Did you use some 3d program? Are you just really good at skewing?
Anywho I always loved your work. From the first combat instinct to now this. Wow.
Still my favourite author!
Man, this is just amazing. I love all your work on CI. It reminded me a lot of that game Homeworld, though. Which was almost as great as this.
Dude I loved this!!!! The way you made it switch views made it look like a video game at some points. When it showed the squad ship's HUD, my eyes crossed and the words popped out at me!!! Awesome!!!
Another great work by McFretn
This was pretty brilliant, if you don't have a job making flash for money you should consider it :D
Amazing. Back in 2005 this was cutting edge, and by God, it still is! Its fantastic, amazing, truly a masterpeice.
My hat off to you, sir. An amazing performance.